Unpaid Carers Respite Information

Everything you need to know about respite, short breaks, pathways and referrals.

How to access Respite

Respite can be accessed via Access 1st, by contacting 01475 714 646 or access1st@inverclyde.gov.uk

Find out more about Access 1st on the Inverclyde Council Website - www.inverclyde.gov.uk/homecare

Anyone can phone this number and find out about respite. If you already have a Care Manager, you can ask them about respite instead. To receive respite from HSCP, you need to be connected with a social worker, who can be contacted via Access 1st.

Entitlements vary based on Social Work Assessments.  

Respite providers can provide a few hours of care when required, even if they are not already working with that carer. A week’s notice in advance would be preferred to ensure cover is provided. Larkfield View & Little Sisters do not take respite, they prefer to take Long Term Care and Short Term Admissions which are longer periods.

Carers Gateway Inverclyde and Inverclyde Carers Centre can help support unpaid carers, providing groups, support and information!

Young Carers

Young Carers looking for information about respite and other support should contact Carers Gateway on 01475 602700, or visit their website to find out more www.carersgateway.org.uk/young-carers

Types of Respite available in Inverclyde  

Respite in nursing homes – Respite allocation would determined by social work and care manager assessments.  

Respite bed (holidays) - 1 bed in Marchmont that can be booked in advance. 3 bed respite unit in Marcus Humphrey House (these are not nursing beds), which can be booked in advance.

Alternative Respite – In-house respite. The amount you are entitled to varies based on assessment, this is an alternative to care home respite.  

Alternative Daycare – Can be in house or out in the community. This is for service users social needs.