Community Connectors

Social Prescribing - a community approach to health & wellbeing

Good conversations are at the heart of our approach - enabling people to increase their confidence and make connections!

Changing lives - it all starts with ‘hello’ !

We provide conversation and encouragement that someone needs to get back on track, and take part in activities and interests. Community Connectors can be contacted directly or referrals from HSCP professionals, community organisations as well as family, friends and neighbours are accepted.

Poor health, changes in circumstances or bereavement can affect our self confidence and cause us to stop doing things we once enjoyed... sometimes all it takes is a conversation and a bit of encouragement to get back out there and take part in things.

Community Connectors provide conversation and encouragement that someone needs to get back on track and take part in activities and interests. Community Connectors can be contacted directly or referrals from HSCP professionals, community organisations as well as family, friends and neighbours are accepted

What you said…

“I look forward to chatting with you each week, most times you are the only people I talk to! I have been offered support over the years but I have always declined”

What you said…

“I would like to say a big thank you to you all…, you really are life savers and you’ve not forgotten, never let me down... thank you all for all the support.”

What you said…

“There are a lot of people like me sitting at home themselves, it can be really lonely! I’m grateful for the blether, it breaks up the day and we talk about all sorts of things!”

Got a question?
01475 728628

Your Voice, 12 Clyde Square, Greenock PA15 1NB