Functional Fitness MOTs, for those aged over 50!
Your MOT includes:
Being taken through some simple activities that will check your functional fitness. A set of “normal values“ for people your age will give you an idea of how you’re doing compared to others your age.
A chat about the UK’s Physical Activity Guidelines for Health, and how physically active you are - including how much time you spend sitting.
An opportunity to discuss becoming more physically active - and improve your functional fitness.
Is the Functional Fitness MOT right for you?
The MOT is for people aged 50 years or older. You can still do the MOT if you are younger but we won’t be able to compare your results with others your age.
For the MOT, you will need to be able to:
• Stand up from a chair, sit down again safely.
• Walk with or without a walking aid safely.
• Attempt to stand on one leg (you can hold on to the chair)You will need to be wearing sensible footwear (no high heels or backless shoes).
If you have a medical condition or another reason that might affect your performance, we encourage you to tell the person doing the check with you.
Your Functional Fitness MOT will be carried out by a trained facilitator and will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.