ASP Awareness Day - Thursday the 20th February!

If you’re worried that someone is at risk of harm or neglect from others - or harming or neglecting themselves - contact Inverclyde HSCP on 01475 714 646.

Visit the Adult Protection webpage to find out more

Residents across Inverclyde are being asked to be alert to vulnerable adults in their communities who are susceptible to financial harm. Financial harm can cover theft, fraud and pressure to sign over property or money. It also relates to rogue traders, online scammers and misuse of benefits. People can be at increased risk to be harmed financially through factors such as ill health, trauma and physical or mental health conditions. It can happen anywhere - in someone’s home, where they work, or in a public place - and is often caused by the people closest to them. It can even happen in places responsible for keeping someone safe, such as a care home, hospital or day centre.

It’s important to speak up about any concerns you have, as the person may not be able to do so themselves. Alternatively, you can contact the Police on 101, or call 999 if you believe the person is in immediate danger.

Watch the videos here!
ASP Day 2025 - Long Version
ASP Day 2025 - Short Version
General Harm Video


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