Carer’s Rights Day

24th November 2022

Involving and Supporting Carers for Staff
During the week leading up to Carers Rights Day, we are running various for both staff and the public.

There will be two sessions on “Preparing for Hospital” which is for anyone who is worried about what might happen if they, or someone they support, is admitted to our wards. These sessions will take place on MS Teams on (click here to register):
Monday 21st November 10.30am - 11.45am · Thursday 24th November 6.30pm - 7.45pm

There will also be two sessions looking at the legal duties of staff working in acute, community and/or primary care. In particular we will be discussing how staff can encourage carers to recognise their role, how to refer to support services and the legal duty staff have to involve carers in discharge planning. We will also mention some of the systems which help us record information about any known carers and share this with other services. These sessions will take place on MS Teams on (click on the date to register): · Monday 21st November 12.30pm - 1.30pm · Wednesday 23rd November 4.00pm - 5.00pm

For more information please CLICK HERE TO EMAIL


Wheeling, Walking and Cycling Event - 4th March 2023


Macmillan ICJ