Inverclyde Carers Beacon Event 2023!
The themes are listed below, discussion by the focus groups revealed what support was in place to address these issues, as well as ideas for what could be done better in the future:
The Day-to-Day Challenges Carers Face
Short Breaks
Future Care Needs/Emergency Planning
Hospital Discharge Planning
There were also information stalls from other local organisations which could help carers in their daily lives. These included Financial Fitness, Inverclyde Community Development Trust, Care Opinion, Barnardo's, Alzheimer Scotland, HSCP - Access First, Self Directed Support, information about Short Breaks.
There were hand massages, a mindfulness session and lovely cakes, sandwiches and soup for those brave enough to take part!
If you were unable to attend and wanted to provide your feedback and experience, get in touch with us at or 01475 728628!