John’s Recovery Story

I was in addiction for almost 20 years and no matter what I did I could not get my life together.

I started to accept that there was nothing I could do, and this was the way my life was going to be. I was on a downward spiral and just kept getting worse until I came to the end of myself and cried out to God for help.

I had an interview for the Haven, and I had to some things before I got in like giving up my house. I didn’t know where to start so I just gave my stuff away and made my way to the haven.

After a month or so I started to realize that it wasn’t all about getting off drugs, but it was about changing everything about my life and my attitude towards it. After my program I did volunteering with teen challenge at the recovery hub and God opened the door for me to get a full-time vacancy at Your Voice.

I have been working now for 8 months and I have the lived experience to help people that are in the position that I was. God has blessed me with tools to live my life and to help others and in turn a get a real joy and peace and it's all down to putting my trust in him.

- John, Recovery Outreach Worker


Women’s Self Defence Classes


Walking, Wheeling and Cycling!