Pharmacy Opening Hours - New Year 24/25

Most pharmacies located within Health Centres will be closed on Tuesday 31st December (Hogmanay), Wednesday 1st January 2025 (New Years Day) and on Thursday 2nd January 2025 (New Year Bank Holiday), in line with other services provided from these locations. Some local pharmacies may also close earlier than usual. Please check the information below to see what Pharmacies are opened on these days.

Click the link below to see your local pharmacy’s opening hours for each day!

If you feel unwell when your GP Surgery is closed, and you cannot wait until the practice reopens, call NHS 24 on 111 for advice. If you need to see doctor or other health professional, they will arrange this for you.

If you think you need to attend A&E but it’s not life threatening, or if you need to attend a Minor Injuries Unit, call NHS 24 on 111.

For general medical advice, please visit NHS Inform

Find information tailored information, such as where to go based upon your condition.


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