Prisoners Week Event “Hear My Voice“
Thank you to everyone who took part in Prisoners Week at The Beacon on Friday! Over 150 members of the public took part, enjoying art created by the prisoners, live music, guest speakers, food, refreshments, information and networking!
Our Recovery Development Coordinator Dean gave an impactful and heartfelt story about his early life and recovery journey. Watch it here!
Our Recovery Hub staff know what it's like to feel lost and unsure of what the future may hold, they can get you involved with our groups, help you access local support and regain control of your life, or just meet you for a wee chat to see how you are. “No wan size fits awe!” Get involved today!
Thank you to all of our partner organisations who helped bring everything together today, especially Inverclyde Faith in Throughcare and our Recovery Jam too, you guys smashed it!!!