Walking Photography

27 June Update | In partnership with Inverclyde CLD

Walking Photography – Next Stop Wemyss Bay Train Station 

So far, we've visited the Auld West Kirk on the Esplanade, McLean Museum, Newark Castle and the Sugarhouses - with lots of lovely feedback.  We’re so glad everyone is enjoying themselves! 

Next Stop is Wemyss Bay Train Station this Thursday at 1.00pm – if you’d like to join us, email caroline.wengel@yourvoice.org.uk or call 07469 197542. 

The Your Voice Inverclyde and Inverclyde Community Learning and Development - CLD (Click to visit on Facebook) Walking Photography group enjoyed Ann Williams’ talk about the history of Inverclyde’s sugar sheds and their connection with the slave trade – thanks Ann! We also enjoyed Alison’s mindful exercise – it made everyone relax and feel peace before going off to do some photography.

Credit to Alain Le Danvic for his photos from instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danvicalainle/


Equal Opportunities Statement


Great fun at the Fun Day!