The Lived Experience Network are people who have recovered or are recovering from a place of dependency from alcohol and drugs, using that experience to support others on the same journey.
We are open 7 days a week in 12 Clyde Square, Greenock with groups, activities and information. We also run weekly Recovery Cafes around Inverclyde, to help you get involved! They are a safe space with refreshments, socialising, sharing experiences, playing games such as pool and jamming with guitars.
Branchton Recovery Cafe
Last Wednesday of the month, 1.30pm - 3.30pm
Branchton Community Centre, 78 Branchton Road, Greenock, PA16 0XX
Riverside Club Cafe
Wednesdays, 2pm - 4pm
Fore St, Port Glasgow, PA14 5JD (Old Men's Club)
Hope Recovery Cafe
Fridays, 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Hope Community Church, 44 Kelly St, Greenock, PA16 8TR
Recovery Group Timetable
All at our Recovery Hub, 11 Clyde Square unless otherwise stated
One to One Support 10am - 11.30am
Activity group 12.30pm - 2.30pm
Outreach 2.30pm - 4pm -
Drop In 10am - 11am
Ladies Group 10am - 12pm
Craigend Centre (every 2nd week) 12.30 - 2pm
Recovery Cafe at Auchmountain 1pm - 3pm
Creative Recovery Art Group 3pm - 5pm
Recovery Jam 4pm - 6pm
Late Night Drop In 4.30pm - 7pm -
Connecting Threads Sewing Group 10.30am - 12.30pm
Recovery Jam 10.30am - 12.30pm
Port Glasgow Drop In Riverside Club 2pm - 4pm
Branchton Community Drop In , last Wednesday of the month 1pm - 3pm
Late Night Drop In 4.30pm - 7pm -
Activity Day (monthly, get in touch to take part!) 11am - 12pm
Health Centre Outreach (monthly, get in touch to find out more!)
Volunteer Training (Every Second Thursday) 1pm - 2pm
Grieve Road Community Centre 2pm - 4pm
Community Outreach 2pm - 4pm -
Drop In 10am - 11am
Hope Community Church Drop In 12.30pm - 2.30pm -
Drop In 10am - 3pm
Changing lives - maybe we can help you!
Our hope for the future is that when anyone anywhere reaches out for recovery no matter how small, our recovery team and peer mentors will be there to offer a helping hand, to assist them on their journey along the recovery pathway.
Who are we, and what do we do? We are people with lived experience of alcohol / drug dependency.
We offer practical assistance and support for people who would like to start on their recovery journey to engage with the recovery ccommunity, which is now operating over 7 days including evenings and weekends.
Community Hub
The Recovery Community Hub is open 7 days a week at 11 Clyde Square, Greenock - drop in sessions are available as well as groups, activities and even the Wednesday Recovery Jam Session!
Inverclyde Recovery Community
We recognise that a person’s lived experience is their best asset and we welcome anybody who has an interest in recovery. Inverclyde recovery community is a partnership of peer led, person centred recovery initiatives, Recovery Café’s , drop-ins and support groups.
Lived Experience Network
We offer assistance to people to engage with the community and to gain access to services and programs, and support the transition back into what is a very hectic and complicated world. We approach this transition in a simple way of sharing experiences with others so that they may feel valued and respected.
Make a Recovery Referral
01475 728628
Your Voice, 12 Clyde Square, Greenock PA15 1NB
Your Voice Recovery Community Hub 11 Clyde Square, Greenock PA15 1NB