The service allows access to locations across Inverclyde such as the Oak Mall, the Waterfront, the Esplanade and other walkways.

Get out and about with Shopmobility!

Shopmobility service offers opportunities for disabled, elderly and others - those whose mobility is limited by ill health, disability or injury to gain access to shops, services and other everyday activities.

For an annual membership fee (or visitors fee for one off usage) we are able to provide a range of mobility equipment including scooters, powered and manual wheelchairs and walking aids. Some equipment is also available for long term hire.

Full training is given to service users and their carers on use of mobility equipment to ensure their confidence and safety!

Shopmobility is open from 10am - 4pm Monday to Friday, Saturday 10.30am to 4pm


  • Manual chairs and walkers £3 per day, £15 per week.

  • Electrical equipment- £9 per day or £40 per week.

  • £50 for yearly membership

What you said…

“Would like to say a big thank you to you all…, you really are life savers and you’ve not forgotten, never let me down... thank you all for all the support.”

What you said…

“There are a lot of people like me sitting at home themselves, it can be really lonely! I’m grateful for the blether, it breaks up the day and we talk about all sorts of things!”

Make an appointment
01475 728628

Your Voice, 12 Clyde Square, Greenock PA15 1NB