Your Voice AGM 2023

We had a fantastic Annual General Meeting last week, hosted in the beautiful Clyde Suite of Cruden Hall in Greenock. There were upwards of 80 attendees, including staff members, network members from our groups and those we have helped. Some members of the Inverclyde HSCP and other local organisations were also there so we’re glad it went to smoothly!

Read the Annual Report here!

There were some brilliant speeches from Kate Rocks the Chief Officer of Inverclyde Health & Social Care Partnership, Margaret Tait our Chairperson, Karen Haldane our Executive Officer, Heather Davis our Secretary, Mary Hemphill our Treasurer and Donald McQuade our Vice Chairperson. Margaret’s performance went down a treat, with some poetry about getting older which many in the audience seemed to identify with.

Attendees then (hopefully) enjoyed some videos detailing our different projects, with testimonials from those we have worked with and helped. The Recovery project was met with thunderous applause, as this is a vital local resource which works to combat drug misuse. Watch the project videos here!

Daniel spoke to us about his project Involve Inverclyde Network which works to gather public opinions, reporting on these to help change and improve local services provided. We are currently running the Strategic Plan survey which will inform the HSCP on what it should prioritise over the coming 3-5 years. Take part in the survey here!

Craig spoke to us about his project Transforming Primary Care which works to inform the public about how local health services are changing and how to access services moving forward. Take part in the survey here!


Carers Event - 17th November 2023!


Macmillan Coffee Morning!