Carers Event - 17th November 2023!

Your Voice, Inverclyde HSCP and Inverclyde Carers Centre are collaborating on a Carers event, to hear more from Carers following the findings of the Carers Survey 2023.

We would love to invite you to The Beacon Arts Centre, at 9.15am - 2pm on Friday the 17th November. We hope you can come along, share your thoughts, opinions, and socialise with other unpaid adult (18+) carers. We hope to explore themes, ideas and issues which were raised in the Carers Survey this year.

A free lunch, Tai Chi with a relaxation and mindfulness session, as well as hand massages are all available as thanks for your taking part.

Can you please RSVP for catering purposes, by contacting, or calling 01475 728628.

Please spread the word to anyone with a caring background, they do not have to currently be a carer!


Macmillan Professional’s Conference 2023


Your Voice AGM 2023