Home 1st Reablement

The service is for people who are returning home from hospital, or when you are going through a period of illness or you are experiencing some kind of change in your life or circumstances.

The service is open to anyone who lives in Inverclyde and has given consent for us to be involved. A willingness to work alongside us is important during this time of assessment. Normally we will work with you for six weeks but the time can vary depending on individual circumstances. The service is free during this initial period however, for ongoing service there may be a charge, full details are in the community services charging leaflet.

How can I refer for a service? You can be referred to the service by any professional including your doctor, your district nurse, your occupational therapist, or social worker. If you have been in hospital, the staff there will refer where there is a need identified. You or your family can also make a self referral which should be made to:

What is Home 1st Reablement?

The Home 1st Reablement Team is part of the HSCP Assessment and Care at Home services. The home1st reablement service is a time limited service which carries out an assessment at home and develops a personal plan, with you, to meet your health and social care needs and outcomes.

Our service aims:

  • To support you with the abilities and confidence that you need to live a full and active life in your home and your community.

  • For you to feel safe at home and live as independently as possible.

  • To listen to what you need and provide you with choices.

  • To provide support for the people who care for you and recognise their needs and rights.

What we do:

The team will work with you to help you stay as independent as possible and build on your abilities and confidence . We will help you do more of what matters to you .Our staff will do everything they can to get it right 1st time, and include your family and those who are important to you if you want them involved. For example, we’ll work with you on the day-to-day tasks you can do for yourself and what you need assistance with. Together we will agree a plan about what’s important to you which we refer to as “working towards your goals”. These can be anything from getting washed and dressed, practical help, getting out and about, staying in touch with people or getting involved in hobbies and interests within your community:

Our team includes:

  • Occupational therapy staff

  • Home support managers and home support Seniors

  • Home support workers

  • Social workers and social work assistants

  • Pharmacy technician

Different team members will be in touch with you throughout the Home 1st period, firstly, someone will visit you at home to start the assessment. The occupational therapy staff are responsible for agreeing goals with you which will be part of your personal support plan. Our assessment staff can also provide equipment to maintain your independence and safety around your home. Our home support staff will work with you and we will talk to you regularly about how things are progressing.

Towards the end of the reablement period we will discuss your progress and look at the areas where you can manage on your own and those where you may still need some support. For your on going needs we will provide information about the self directed support options available to you which is about having as much choice and control as possible over how your support is planned and provided.

Get in touch!
Homecare Department , Health and Community Care
Inverclyde HSCP, Greenock Health and Care Centre,
Wellington Street, Greenock, PA15 4NH.
Tel: 01475 715014 (switchboard)


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