HSCP Learning Disability


Hello everyone,

Welcome to the summer edition of the LD redesign Newsletter. The sun is shining as I write (10/8/22) and doesn’t Inverclyde and the Clyde look glorious on such a lovely day. I hope you have all enjoyed some outdoor time over the summer and taken in the fresh air and views.

This edition will focus on the community inclusion and wellbeing work that Calum, TAG , Parklea and our LD Day Opps have been busy organising. People have been experiencing new activities to improve their skills, health and physical wellbeing.

In a quick update on the new LD Hub, many will have seen from media the cost of the HUB has increased due to multiple factors, including inflation, price increases and other technical factors relating to the site. The great news is that additional funding has been found so we are forging ahead with plans and will hopefully soon be able to provide an estimated timeline of development and completion.

Carer’s sessions have been ongoing (details belwo providing face to face opportunity to update on the recovery of Day opps services, the Service Model, Transport policy and the Hub . It’s crucial we continue to engage with you all to hear your views , keep you connected and share ideas.

I am moving post to pastures new soon and Allen Stevenson will return to his post as Head of Service, so you will hear from him in the autumn. Thank you all for your support in all we have achieved so far , I will keep an interest on the development of the new HUB and wish all the very best for the future and look foward to seeing you at the opening!

Alan Best
Interim HOS Health & Community Care

Digital Skills- Get Connected!


People recently attended digital sessions at Greenock Central Library for 6 weeks delivered by Software Training Scotland in partnership with Inverclyde Community Learning & Development and The Advisory Group.

Learners used different devices including tablets, laptops and desktop computers. Attendees learned a range of skills including searching and listening to music, typing skills, transferring files, general search engine usage and educational activities.

Learners said “everybody helps me in the computer class” and “I’ve learned lots about computers”. All learners said they would recommend the class to others and that they enjoyed themselves.

More classes will become available over the course of the year.
For more information contact Calum Easton on 07436 799 844 or CLICK HERE TO EMAIL

We caught up with Liam who has been helping out at the sessions.

  • Why did you want to help out at the class?
    I wanted to experience helping other people. I wanted to learn more social and digital skills and I’m very interested in everything in digital technology.

  • What did you get out of supporting the class?
    It helped me feel more confident nearer the end to start helping people. I enjoyed meeting new people and helping them. I also learned how to use new music and photography software.

  • What do you like to do with digital technology?
    I make videos, take photos and I have been sending emails to car companies to sort out vlogging opportunities. I have had the chance to create a vlog about an Audi supercar. My dream car to vlog about would be a Lamborghini Veneno.



Rachel Brysland and Shelley McColgan recently joined the team as social workers and are excited about their new roles. Having never worked with people in a learning disability service Rachel is excited to support people to live a happy and fulfilled life. Rachel also added that she is looking forward to working in a multidisciplinary team so all aspects of people's lives are supported.

Shelley completed her final university placement within the Inverclyde CLDT team and this was when she realised she wanted to work with people with learning disabilities. Shelley added that it's an exciting time with the new hub and other improvements and looks forward to being a part of this.

Rachel and Shelley.

Mount Fuji project Wellness week


As part of the recent wellness week people got involved with the Mount Fuji challenge. Inspired by art work completed at the Fitzgerald Centre the participants aimed to virtually complete the 46 mile trip round the Fuji Five Lakes and to the peak of Mount Fuji. In the end the miles racked up meant this was completed 2 and a half times with people walking, running, swimming and carrying out physiotherapy.

The exercise was completed in the Fitzgerald Centre and in the community with everyone having great fun whilst improving their health and wellbeing.

Rock ‘n’ Bowl


Gourock bowling club recently hosted inclusive lawn bowls sessions supported by The Advisory Group and Gourock Community Hub. These taster sessions were delivered by members who have recently undergone training provided by Sport Disability Scotland and were a great success.

Participants remarked “I really enjoyed it” and “I’d love to come try it again”. Further drop in sessions will now also be running on Friday 10-12 on 26th Aug, 2nd Sep, 9th Sep and 16th Sep.

For any further information please contact Calum by EMAIL or 07436 799 844

Carer’s Consultation and Carer’s Centre


As mentioned in Alan’s update, Carer’s sessions have been ongoing updating carers on the recovery of Day opps services, the Service Model, Transport policy and the Hub. 3 sessions have already taken place and a further session will be taking place on 10am-12pm on Friday 9th September at the Fitzgerald Centre.

This session is for carers and parents of adults and young people attending or future attendees of HSCP Day Opportunities (Fitzgerald Centre Base and Community).

To book in to this session or for any further information please contact Calum by EMAIL or 07436 799 844.

Inverclyde Carer’s Centre have a new Manager in post – Mr. Kenny McKenna. Kenny has worked in a number of high profile roles in the West of Scotland Charity sector, including Epilepsy Scotland, Headway and Spinal Injuries Scotland. He’s very keen to get the Centre fully up and running again after COVID and meeting Carers at our new Carers Café group.

  • Register with us

Do you provide care for someone who needs support as a result of their illness, condition or disability? If you provide them with help and support to manage their life – you are a Carer.

Registering as a Carer is simple. For more information please call us on 01475 735180 and speak to one of our Carer Support Workers or email HERE.

  • Carers Groups Return

Our Carers Groups are back! We have a number of returning groups as well as new groups running again at the Centre including Purly Queens, Walking Group (new), Drama Group, Young Carers Groups, Male Carers Group and Carers Café (new). Groups run throughout the week from Mon-Fri.

If you are interested in attending any of the groups, please call us on 01475 735180 for more information. We also Yoga sessions on a Tuesday evening at Broomhill Community Hall.

  • Funding Opportunities for Carers

Coming soon! - Time to Live Funding; we have been awarded funding from Shared Cared Scotland o deliver micro grants to the registered Carers of Inverclyde.

If you have any questions for us please contact us on 01475 735180 or EMAIL HERE.


Home 1st Reablement


TEA in the PARK