Technology Enabled Care

The Digital Switchover from Inverclyde HSCP - what you need to know!

Telephone/broadband/TV providers across the UK are replacing the current phone line system known as analogue phone lines with new Digital phone lines.


As of 2023 all new phone lines installed will be Digital and by 2025 all phone lines will have moved to a digital equivalent for everyone. What’s happening? By 2025 all telephone providers will have upgraded their systems to use new digital technology. All of our older community alarms will need to be replaced with new digital alarms to work reliably with the new digital telephone lines. Within Inverclyde we have already started installing new alarms however it will take around two years to replace them all.

Why is this happening?

The current telephony network has been around a long time and is becoming hard to maintain so providers need to upgrade their systems to provide a new digital network. The digital switchover What you need to know…

What benefits will this offer?

  • A faster connection when you press your pendant to our 24 hour control centre

  • Better clearer audio quality when speaking over the alarm to the call handler

  • Digital alarms don’t need to be plugged in to a telephone phone line, giving more choice of where the alarm unit can be located within your home.

More reliable with more information if there are any faults with your alarm unit.

What are we doing to prepare?

We are currently working hard to upgrade to new digital alarm units and ensure you continue to receive a high quality service, with no disruption. How this affects you? We will call to arrange a visit to your home to change your existing alarm unit to a new digital alarm unit as part of our digital programme. It will be an Inverclyde HSCP alarm attendant who visits with the new alarm who will always provide identification.

As telephone providers progress the switchover to digital if you are concerned it has caused any disruption to your existing community alarm, please take the following action:

Do a test call be pressing your pendant or alarm unit button and inform the call handler when connected that you are testing the unit.

If you still have any concerns contact the TEC team at the Hillend centre on 01475 715945. If you are made aware that you have been switched to a digital telephone line please get in touch so we can ensure your alarm is working appropriately.

How do I know if I have a digital telephone line?

You may not be aware you have a digital telephone line as changes can happen automatically if you purchase a new internet or TV package. If you have been asked by your provider to connect your telephone handset to a different socket e.g. an internet router, a WIFI hub or a TV box then it is likely you have been switched to a digital telephone line and should contact us for support. If there is any changes to your telephony provider they have a responsibility to ask if you have an alarm system installed as it is important they are aware of this.

Further information:

If you want to write in response to this letter or require further information:

Write to: Technology Enabled Care Team Hillend Centre 2 East Crawford Street GREENOCK PA15 2BT Inverclyde Telephone: 01475 715945 or 715947



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