Dementia Lived Experience Panel

An invitation to be part of the Scottish Government’s Panel for people with Lived Experience of Dementia.

The Scottish Government wants to establish a panel of people with lived experience of Dementia and unpaid carers of people living with Dementia, to act as a formal national reference point, part of its governance structures for consultation, policy shaping and scrutiny.

Engagement with a diverse range of people with lived experience will extend the understanding of what parts of existing policy are working well, will offer more scrutiny and will help ensure policy direction is both informed by and responsive to need. The voice of people with lived experience, especially those from minority and equalities groups will help enhance policy development and implementation. 

How to apply

Send a short video, between 2-3 minutes, written piece, text message, talking heads or voice recording outlining what and how you will contribute to the panel. 

Post: Dementia Policy Unit, St Andrew's House, Edinburgh, EH1 3DG
Phone: 07770 282221.

The deadline for applications is Monday 20 June.

For any additional information, or an informal chat, please contact Sandy at or text/call, 07770 282221.


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